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Our Top Dreamy Halloween Costumes!


Whether you love it or hate it, it’s probably safe to guess that your little ones can't wait for Halloween to come. A whole evening of dressing up, chomping sweets and scaring the entire street would be appealing to any child.

But first comes the tricky decision of what to dress up as. They may have a clear image of wanting to look like some sci-fi alien with a cape and three heads but, as a parent, it's not exactly easy to magic that up

Knowing these issues all too well, we’ve come up with a few easy and cost-effective suggestions that the kids will love, and may just save you hours of sewing. If you look closely, you may see a few similarities between these costumes and our themed sleepover dens!


A firm favourite with lots of little ones, mermaids are one of the most popular costumes you’re likely to see this Halloween. A shimmering tail may not be exactly scary, but it will certainly make them stand out from the crowd… (Which is perfect when trying to as many sweets as possible!)

A shiny piece of fabric is all that’s needed to make this costume look great. Tie the fabric around your child’s waist and bring it in slightly around the ankles. Leave enough room for walking, and flair out the bottom to acts as a tail! You could always take a look at our mermaid themed sleepover tents for some extra inspiration!

The Superhero.

Has there ever been so much hype around superheroes as there is now? We wouldn’t mind betting that a few of you have already been asked for the latest Marvel suits, but why not suggest your littles having their own superhero persona?

Making your own costume can be as cheap and time-consuming as you like. A quick mask, a cape and a logo and they’re set! To top off the whole superhero experience, why not tie in a sleepover party with one of our comic book themes? Take a look here.


A childhood favourite for many, this may even be the easiest costumer to replicate on this list. With inspiration taken from our Enchanted Forrest themed dens, we don’t think it will take much convincing for your little ones to go trick or treating as a Disney Princess. The main component of the costume is, of course, a long golden braid. Other than that, a purple dress and a bag for sweets and they’re good to go!


Not the most traditional of Halloween costumes, but certainly a very sweet idea! We’ve come up with this costume based on our Autumn Adventurer themed dens, and it’s quite easy to make this one look great with minimal effort. Tape together two toilet roll tubes for binoculars and cut a brown paper shopping bag into a waistcoat. You can even use brown envelopes to stick on as pockets!

So, there you go. Four cost-effective and easy fancy dress ideas for your little ones to try out this Halloween. If you’re inspired to turn these costume ideas into a Halloween party, take a look here for our range of themes and prices.

To get in touch with us, or to book your little ones’ dream sleepover party,



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